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 Sunday, 28 April 2024 | 19:20
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Warning: getimagesize(http://www.independent.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00023/AdonisBlue_23639h.jpg): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /home/tiabg/addondomains/enews.bg/enews/functions/feed_functions.php on line 22
Independent - 12 April 2008, 02:00 (+ 5860 days 20 hours and 20 minutes) Earth
Ten endangered British insects will feature on a new series of Royal Mail postage stamps to be issued on Tuesday. The insects, which range from the stag beetle to the Adonis blue butterfly, and from the red-barbed ant to the hazel pot beetle, have been photographed from the collection in the Natural History Museum in London, which has 28 million specimens.
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