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 Saturday, 18 May 2024 | 9:39
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Warning: getimagesize(http://assets.rollingstone.com/assets/2016/albumreview/the-hotelier-goodness-20160622/245827/small_square/1466458230/100x100-hotelier-press-pic-by-Kylie-Shaffer.jpg): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /home/tiabg/addondomains/enews.bg/enews/functions/feed_functions.php on line 22
Rolling Stone - 22 June 2016, 16:47 (+ 2886 days 19 hours and 52 minutes) Music
The people on the cover of this Massachusetts quartet's third LP are naked. So are the songs inside it: raw-hearted bursts of bald guitar churn backing lyrics that hunger for meaning in terms that'd be corny if the music didn't hit so hard. There's some latent emo here (one song...
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