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 Saturday, 18 May 2024 | 13:17
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Warning: getimagesize(http://assets.rollingstone.com/assets/2016/albumreview/kaleo-a-b-20160630/246959/small_square/1467231489/100x100-Kaleo-press2-Alexandra-Valenti.jpg): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /home/tiabg/addondomains/enews.bg/enews/functions/feed_functions.php on line 22
Rolling Stone - 30 June 2016, 15:04 (+ 2879 days 1 hours and 13 minutes) Music
Kaleo hail from Mosfellsbær, Iceland, but you wouldn't know it by frontman JJ Julius Son's fine-tuned biker-soul growl or the overheated garage blues on the band's major-label debut. "No Good," which appears on the soundtrack to HBO's Vinyl, stomps like the Black Keys at their meatiest, and "Broken Bones" is...
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