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 Monday, 29 April 2024 | 15:32
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Guardian - 22 January 2018, 09:00 (+ 2289 days 8 hours and 31 minutes) Politics
More than 70% of Tory supporters worry about NHS, and fewer than 40% think health secretary should keep his jobThe state of the NHS is the biggest single issue vexing Conservative voters, with more than seven in 10 citing it as a serious concern, and fewer than four in 10 believing the health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, should keep his job, a poll suggests.However, while they were concerned about its administration, relatively few Tory supporters said those fears would put them off voting for the party at the next election. Continue reading...
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Guardian - 22 January 2018, 17:20 (+ 2289 days 0 hours and 11 minutes) Politics
BBC - 22 January 2018, 16:56 (+ 2289 days 0 hours and 35 minutes) Politics
BBC - 22 January 2018, 16:56 (+ 2289 days 0 hours and 36 minutes) Politics
CNN.com - 22 January 2018, 16:36 (+ 2289 days 0 hours and 56 minutes) Politics
CNN.com - 22 January 2018, 16:08 (+ 2289 days 1 hours and 24 minutes) Politics
BBC - 22 January 2018, 15:57 (+ 2289 days 1 hours and 35 minutes) Politics
CNN.com - 22 January 2018, 15:54 (+ 2289 days 1 hours and 37 minutes) Politics
CNN.com - 22 January 2018, 15:54 (+ 2289 days 1 hours and 37 minutes) Politics
CNN.com - 22 January 2018, 15:47 (+ 2289 days 1 hours and 45 minutes) Politics
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