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 Thursday, 02 May 2024 | 18:36
today: 0 | news total: 8420 | sources: 228
Guardian - 19 January 2018, 11:30 (+ 2295 days 9 hours and 6 minutes) Earth
The killing of two rangers in Catalonia marks a chilling turning point for colleagues facing up to increasing violence towards Europe’s wildlife defendersOn a hill above the olive trees and dun scrublands of western Catalonia, two rusty iron silhouettes maintain a still and silent vigil. One peers out over the land through a pair of binoculars; the other kneels and holds a bird forever on the cusp of release.At their feet is a simple plaque: “In memory and recognition of Xavier Ribes Villas and David Iglesias Díez, wildlife rangers whose lives were taken in the line of duty on 21 January 2017.” Continue reading...
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