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 Sunday, 02 June 2024 | 14:09
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Guardian - 22 January 2018, 13:00 (+ 2323 days 3 hours and 8 minutes) Earth
Nearly 60% of US carbon pollution comes from power and transportation, and power is already decarbonizing fastIn order to meet its share of the carbon pollution cuts needed to achieve the 2°C Paris international climate target, America’s policies are rated as “critically insufficient” by the Climate Action Tracker. The Trump Administration has taken every possible step to undo the Obama Administration’s climate policies, including announcing that America will be the only world country to withdraw from the Paris agreement, and trying to repeal the Clean Power Plan.In 2020, the next American president will have to make up the lost ground and come up with a plan to rapidly accelerate the country’s transition away from fossil fuels. Currently, transportation and power generation each account for about 30% of US greenhouse gas emissions, so those sectors represent the prime targets for pollution cuts. Continue reading...
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