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 Monday, 20 May 2024 | 20:22
today: 0 | news total: 8420 | sources: 228
BBC - 05 January 2018, 20:39 (+ 2327 days 1 hours and 43 minutes)
The must-have business tool of the 90s has been updated by one of the original designers.
BBC - 05 January 2018, 20:36 (+ 2327 days 1 hours and 45 minutes)
Software that can identify sounds such as windows being smashed has been developed in Cambridge, UK.
BBC - 05 January 2018, 20:36 (+ 2327 days 1 hours and 46 minutes)
The Teslasuit can serve up some real-world pain when playing virtual reality games.
BBC - 05 January 2018, 16:16 (+ 2327 days 6 hours and 6 minutes)
She is one of the first people to get a tattoo you can hear.
BBC - 05 January 2018, 02:33 (+ 2327 days 19 hours and 49 minutes)
How drug-carrying drones could help save lives in far-flung places.
BBC - 04 January 2018, 20:14 (+ 2328 days 2 hours and 8 minutes)
Two major security flaws leave millions of computers at risk, but how much should you worry?
BBC - 30 December 2017, 02:24 (+ 2333 days 19 hours and 58 minutes)
Presenter Mishal Husain comes face-to-face with robot her, the Mishalbot.
BBC - 29 December 2017, 15:18 (+ 2334 days 7 hours and 4 minutes)
African cities are getting "smart" by embracing technology and improving efficiency.
BBC - 27 December 2017, 05:03 (+ 2336 days 17 hours and 19 minutes)
A UK zoo has teamed up with tech giant IBM in a bid to keep its heating costs down during the winter.
BBC - 27 December 2017, 03:45 (+ 2336 days 18 hours and 36 minutes)
Bitcoin has had an interesting year, so should we now take it seriously?
BBC - 26 December 2017, 03:04 (+ 2337 days 19 hours and 18 minutes)
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have taught a robot to play.
BBC - 22 December 2017, 02:38 (+ 2341 days 19 hours and 43 minutes)
Primary school pupils are playing a popular computer game in the classroom to learn about the Bronze Age.
BBC - 21 December 2017, 19:23 (+ 2342 days 2 hours and 59 minutes)
An entrepreneur funded her business by speculating on the crypto-currency, but is it too late for others?
BBC - 20 December 2017, 02:07 (+ 2343 days 20 hours and 15 minutes)
A South Korean start-up shows off a huge robot designed to make humans stronger and more mobile.
BBC - 18 December 2017, 10:29 (+ 2345 days 11 hours and 53 minutes)
A new app could help wheelchair users get help at railway stations and better access to trains.